Tylers Popcorn Story

Tylers Popcorn Story 

When Tyler Ornstein was 11 years old, as many 11 year old's are, he was a Cub Scout.  And every year the Tucson Cub Scouts had their annual popcorn drive.  The winner of this event won a prize, and that year the prize was a red huffy bike.   Tyler wanted that bike.  

There he stood, outside of a local grocery store in the Catalina Foothills of Tucson, Arizona.  “Would you like to buy some popcorn?” he asked.  “No”.  “No”. “No”.  “No” seemed to be the popular answer in each encounter.  Tyler knew he needed to change the dialogue.  He needed to change the mindset from “No” to “Yes”.  So to the next person that walked by, he asked, “Which popcorn do you prefer?”  When he received a response, he then asked, “Can I get you a sample?" Then he had their attention.  “How many tins can I set up for you?”  The binary question of which do you prefer, set him up for success.  Rather than trying to initially make the sale, he put the customer first.  The customer and their needs Tyler soon learned were the most important thing.  After that, everything else works together. 

That day, 11 year old Tyler Ornstein made the most popcorn sales, and was the winner of a brand new red huffy bike.

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