About us
Founded in 2004 by Tyler Ornstein, Tylers Coffees® was born out of necessity. Tyler's dad was told by his physician that he could no longer drink coffee due to its acidity. Realizing that drinking coffee is more of a lifestyle choice than just a beverage, Tyler and his father felt a strong need to create an acid free coffee. After careful research and engineering, Tylers Coffees® was born.
Diligently striving to improve lifestyles through organic living, innovation, technology, and sustainability.
To improve lives through one of the world's most admired beverages...COFFEE!
Altruism – We believe in giving back.
Unity – We work as a team and act as a family.
Compassion – We care about those we work with and serve.
Curiosity – We strive to continually improve.
Divergence – We stand out from the crowd.
Before we get into the specifics about our coffee and why it's better than what's out there, we want to share something very special with you.
All of the coffee purchased from Tylers Coffees® is fulfilled by Beacon Group in Tucson, AZ. Beacon Group has been a leader in providing real jobs and employment-related services to people with disabilities in Arizona, serving over 2,000 people with disabilities each year. They also provide job training and placement, supported and center based employment, and day treatment programs to assist the two-thirds of working-age people with disabilities who do not have a job.
As the largest employer of people with disabilities in Southern Arizona, Beacon Group helps people experience the satisfaction of achievement, contribution and earning a paycheck while satisfying business needs in the community.
We are proud to work with this amazing group of people because we are giving back to our community. At Tylers Coffees®, we believe that what we do is a lot larger than just who we are; here and now. We believe in making a lasting difference in the lives around us.
Because our roasting process is computerized and carefully monitored, we are able to ensure that each batch is consistent and that the results will be the same; EVERY TIME. This means that our customers are able to expect the highest quality from us - and consistency - whether they are buying their first bag or their 50th.
Today, every coffee blend on the market contains harmful Tannic and Lipid acids. These acids bloom during the roasting process. As the world's FIRST and ONLY Organic Acid-Free Coffee, Tylers Coffees® is able to provide a healthier option and solution for the more than 100 million individuals who have sensitive stomachs or who suffer from acid-related modalities. Tannic and Lipid acids are the cause of the bitter bite, upset stomach, aftertaste, and tooth enamel damage. Aside from these pesky side effects, these acids can form and aid in the development, or flare up of Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Overactive Bladder (OAB), Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Crohn’s Disease, or Colitis.
Since our roasting and decaffeinating process is completely all natural, we are able to produce a product that is not only superior in quality but one that also yields the healthiest coffee for you.

The higher the pH, the better.